Sunday, December 18, 2011

DCLXXX: After the Rain

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: oh look a picture

Thursday, November 10, 2011

DCLXXIX: June Lake Loop

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: I mean, it's not like I don't have any photos to post.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011


© Colorburn
Lani Kai: I've heard the expressions "springtime" and "summertime" and possibly "wintertime" but never "falltime" or "autumntime."
Lani Kai: Why is that?

Saturday, October 01, 2011


© Colorburn
Lani Kai: woo new paint

Saturday, September 17, 2011

DCLXXV: Summertime

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: I miss summer already.

Monday, August 29, 2011

DCLXXIV: Looking Back

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: Well, this blog appears to be slowly becoming what 99.9999% of all blogs out there become. That is, mostly forgotten.

Fun fact: Colorburn was first started on this day five years ago. Now, I don't mean to sound all wistful, but five years is kind of a long time, especially for a blog. A five-year-old blog is probably about 4,126 years old in human years, but somehow it's still limping along, managing to hold on to a small corner of my brain just enough to make me post something every now and then. Sure, I might only need one hand to be able to count the number of people that read this blog, but honestly, that doesn't really matter at this point. And nevermind that we get more visits from people Googling "kai greene nude pics," which apparently is not an uncommon search phrase. Someone landed here once with that, so I put it in the sidebar box cataloging the weird searches that bring people here, and that has acted as a sort of keyword spam that gets picked up by the Google crawler bot.

We were going to make this into a book. We didn't. It was supposed to bring us a stream of pocket change through sidebar ads. It didn't. But I look back, and that's okay.

Anyway, five years. In that time I've graduated from college, gone through numerous cameras (sold/traded them, not broken them), got a new job, and so on. DSLRs were still fairly uncommon when this blog started up, but now everyone has one, including ibleedgraphite although he quickly got bored with his. I've traveled quite a bit around the U.S. in the past five years and my tons of road trips have given me a solid 80,000+ miles on my car in that span. In fact the drive I made to San Luis Obispo to visit ibleedgraphite just a few weeks after this blog started up was the first time I ever went on a road trip without my family.

The past five years have seen many friends come and go. This blog, too, might one day see its last post. But I'm still good friends with ibleedgraphite and that means I don't have a reason to formally kill off the blog.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

DCLXXVIII: A Guest Appears

© Colorburn

Anonymous: I don't think you're allowed to post pictures with one-sided comments.
Lani Kai: I think I'm allowed to do whatever I want.
Anonymous: Are not

*Ed note: Anonymous is a guest blogger from the comments section in DCLXXVII: Problems

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

DCLXXVII: Problems

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: so, part of the problem is that I'm never online anymore after buying a tablet
Lani Kai: there's just no real reason to turn on the computer these days
Lani Kai: the other problem is that I haven't really taken any pictures since May
Lani Kai: and the last time ibleedgraphite took any pictures was probably in 2009.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

DCLXXVI: These Hills May Be Alive

© Colorburn
ibleedgraphite: it is like the opening scene of The Sound of Music
Lani Kai: a scene which apparently does not exist on YouTube
ibleedgraphite: are you kidding?
ibleedgraphite: some of the Google Image results for "sound of music dvd cover" are highly irrelevant
Lani Kai: those are just some hills
ibleedgraphite: yes
ibleedgraphite: well, the opening sequence has a fly-in shot
ibleedgraphite: where the hills are steeper

Sunday, June 12, 2011

DCLXXV: Shiny New Features

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: I need to stop forgetting about the blog
Lani Kai: did you know you can embed location tags in Blogger now?
ibleedgraphite: but aren't you always posting from home?
Lani Kai: well, usually
Lani Kai: but I thought it would be nice to tag the photo location
ibleedgraphite: can you tag the location no matter where you are?
Lani Kai: yes

Friday, May 20, 2011

DCLXXIV: The End Is Nigh

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: I forgot we have a blog
Lani Kai: in other news, the world is ending tomorrow
Lani Kai: that is, until it ends again next year
ibleedgraphite: I guess I should spend all my money tonight
ibleedgraphite: why am I even at work?
Lani Kai: you tell me
Lani Kai: I am not at work

Ed. note: The bloggers behind Colorburn will probably not be raptured, so service for nonbelievers will continue as usual, even if it means we have to do stuff like this.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

DCLXXIII: Communistical Dumplings

© Colorburn
ibleedgraphite: this looks like China
ibleedgraphite: when did you go to China?
Lani Kai: I drove there a couple of weeks ago
ibleedgraphite: how was it?
Lani Kai: communistical
ibleedgraphite: good dumplings though?
Lani Kai: yes
Lani Kai: the lead makes it especially flavorful

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

DCLXXII: The Better Tree

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: I actually have another tree image lined up that I like better
ibleedgraphite: you're right, that's much better
Lani Kai: it has more personality than the other
ibleedgraphite: but this one has conservative social views
Lani Kai: because it leans to the right?
ibleedgraphite: yes :)
Lani Kai: what if you look at it from the other side though
ibleedgraphite: oh, good point

DCLXXI: Even A Seemingly Perfect Tree Has Its Issues

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: is this not a perfect oak tree?
ibleedgraphite: yeah but I bet it has a crappy personality
Lani Kai: why do you say that?
ibleedgraphite: it seems stand-offish
ibleedgraphite: and wooden
ibleedgraphite: emo too, look at it crying for attention by standing so close to the edge

Saturday, April 02, 2011

DCLXX: Flying

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: it's been far too long since the last post
ibleedgraphite: you're flying!
Lani Kai: yup

Sunday, March 06, 2011

DCLXXIV: Not Picky

© Colorburn
ibleedgraphite: it is kind of nice
ibleedgraphite: will you make a 1680 x 1050 version so that I can use it as a desktop background
Lani Kai: ooh, praise doesn't come much higher than that
Lani Kai: incidentally, I'm using this as my desktop background as well
ibleedgraphite: well, I'm not very picky with my desktop backgrounds...
Lani Kai: what is it currently?
ibleedgraphite: the purple->orange gradient that comes with Windows

Saturday, February 19, 2011

DCLXXIII: Delightfully Warm

© Colorburn
ibleedgraphite: this picture makes me feel like a homeless person out in the frigid cold
ibleedgraphite: and the light in those windows looks so warm and cozy
ibleedgraphite: it's very sad
Lani Kai: you could hang out in a subway station
ibleedgraphite: that's not warm
Lani Kai: fine, hang out behind a dry cleaner
ibleedgraphite: ooh
ibleedgraphite: that sounds delightful

Thursday, February 17, 2011


© Colorburn

Saturday, February 12, 2011

DCLXXI: Floating Away

© Colorburn
ibleedgraphite: oh no
ibleedgraphite: San Francisco is floating away
Lani Kai: someone forgot to tie it down
Lani Kai: color or black and white?
ibleedgraphite: mmm
ibleedgraphite: the color is nice

Monday, January 17, 2011

DCLXX: Mostly

© Colorburn
ibleedgraphite: what is it covered with?
Lani Kai: some kind of mud/salt mix, I think
ibleedgraphite: plus bird poo
Lani Kai: that too
ibleedgraphite: mostly bird poo

Monday, January 03, 2011

DCLXIX: In Which Responsible Sodium Intake Is Advised

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: ooh, I'm not sure I'd want to go out on a boat on that lake
ibleedgraphite: there is probably a monster in the lake
Lani Kai: is it called Salty?
ibleedgraphite: yeah, salt is the REAL monster
ibleedgraphite: it causes diabetes and hypertension

DCLXVIII: Schizophrenia

© Colorburn
Lani Kai: someone asked me the other day why I'm the only one that posts on Colorburn anymore
ibleedgraphite: you should have told her that there is not really a co-blogger, but that you were schizophrenic for a long time
ibleedgraphite: and now you're better
Lani Kai: well, that explanation doesn't make sense because it's still being posted as a conversation
Lani Kai: incidentally, she had thought there were three of us because you changed your name
ibleedgraphite: I am just a figment of your psychosis